Women’s Ministry Invitation

The Women’s Ministry (WM) would like to extend a welcome invitation to participate in our monthly fellowships, which are held on the second Saturday of the month via Zoom. All women are considered a part of the WM; however, please join us to hear the awesome, loving, and powerful words that God has placed in our speakers and songstresses. You will be blessed!

We also want to ensure that you are receiving our emails, which provide you with weekly Words of Encouragement, Monthly Fellowship, and upcoming WM events.

Additionally, the WM has established a dedicated inbox for the women of FMZBC to submit prayer requests. We desire to continually lift up your prayer needs as they arise, so please use this email address: womensministryprayers@firstmountzionbc.org to submit your prayer request. Our Intercessory Prayer Team (IPT) will intercede over your prayer requests as you send them in.

For more information, please contact WM Director, Gwen L Holland at Womensministry@firstmountzion-bc.org


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