Message from Pulpit Committee-June 24, 2024

Members of FMZBC and Staff – First, giving honor to GOD. We want to give glory to GOD for all He has done and all He is doing.

As you are aware, we are currently in “Phase II” of the Pastoral Search for the next Under-Shephard for First Mount Zion Baptist Church. As we continue, in earnestness and humility, to delve deeper into the heart of the search, we ask for each of your continued prayers and patience as we continue to define the pastoral search requirements and expectations.

When Christ was ministering to the crowds, his response was compassion and teaching. He did not tell the disciples to pray for those people. Instead, he said to pray for laborers (Matthew 9:38).

We should never forget that looking for a pastor is, first of all, a spiritual exercise. Everyone in our congregation has a part in this process. Committing to prayer is the most significant way for our church family to participate. We suggest three areas that you might put at the top of your prayer list regarding our pastoral search.

Pray for First Mount Zion Baptist Church.

It is one thing to seek a person who will be the pastor; it is another thing to be the right church.

  1. Pray that First Mount Zion Baptist Church (FMZBC) will continue to Seek the Lord in every aspect of our ministry. Please pray that we will give attention to the most important responsibilities of the ministry. Continue to pray that worship will be vibrant, our witness will be visible, and our fellowship will be genuine.
  2. Pray for Perseverance. The search process can take time, but patience is a great teacher because it can produce growth and maturity (James 1:4).
  3. Pray for Unity. As we seek to find our next pastor, please pray that, we, as a congregation, would put the most important things first.

Pray for the next Under-Shephard of GOD’s choosing.

The Lord already knows who that person is, and we need to pray for this person and their family as we go through this process.

  1. Pray that this person will be open to the work the Lord is doing at First Mount Zion Baptist Church and that this person will be excited about the opportunities here.
  2. Pray that this opportunity will be a spiritual journey that will mark this person in their trust in the Lord and provide an example to those at FMZBC of the importance of following the Lord.
  3. Pray that the Lord will continue to use this person where they are, as they honor the Lord by proclaiming GOD’s Word and faithfully serving in their present ministry.
  4. Pray that this would be an adventure of faith for this person’s whole family, as they seek together to serve the Lord in another place or capacity.
  5. Pray that the Lord will prepare this person’s heart for what is a mystery to them, but not to the Lord.

Pray for Church Leadership and the Pulpit Committee.

Those serving in the search for our next Pastor need GOD’s guidance.

  1. There are so many aspects involved in the Pulpit Committee’s work in just preparing for the search. Pray that our commitment to the task will stay strong and that we will be timely in the way that we accomplish each of our responsibilities.
  2. Pray that we will put first things first. Finding our next Pastor is not just an organizational responsibility; it is a spiritual duty. Pray that we will continue to seek GOD in every aspect and that each member of the Pulpit Committee will continue to seek the Lord’s help.
  3. Pray for strong unity in the process. Pray that the Pulpit Committee will work together in a way that demonstrates love and honors all members’ input.
  4. Pray that our choices will reflect Godly wisdom, that the Pulpit Committee will be sensitive to the direction of the Lord as we look at potential candidates and make a recommendation(s) to the congregation.

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