Pulpit Committee Update

Message from the Pulpit Committee:
The Pulpit Committee is committed to keeping the FMZBC family informed as we continue the important work of seeking our next Pastor. To provide greater transparency, we have made detailed information about our process and progress available, including answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs).  You can access this information through https://firstmountzionbc.org/pulpit-transition-process-plan/

We encourage you to review these updates and continue to keep the Pulpit Committee in your prayers as we seek God’s guidance in this journey. Thank you for your support and patience as we move forward together in faith.

Jan 20, 2025: Please join us for a dedicated time of prayer on Sunday, January 26, 2025, immediately following the service in the Chapel. As we enter Phase 5 – Interview and Further Assessment, we seek your prayers for guidance, strength, and unity.

As always, please email us at pulpitcommittee@firstmountzionbc.org for any questions you may have.


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