Welcome Letter Welcome to the FMZBC Youth Ministry page! We eagerly anticipate what God will share with and reveal to us through our lives lived in relationship with Him.

Today, we invite you to explore the page and links, encounter Jesus Christ's love and grace, experience life-long tools for Christian discipleship, fellowship with friends, and participate in mission through the FMZBC Youth Ministry. We pray that this site provides spiritually useful information and ways for you to connect with and join us. Reach out to us. Send a note about your joys, concerns, and progress. We are here to support you.

Rev. Beverly Jiggets




To be a unique fellowship of students, parents, and teachers committed to allowing Christ to change our lives.

Mission Statement

To provide programs and ministry opportunities that enhance spiritual growth; teach youth how to build healthy relationships; assess spiritual giftedness; and empower youth to impact the kingdom.

Youth Definition

Youth participation in FMZBC ministries is by students who are in grades 6 through 12.


Youth First Friday

First Friday is designed to provide youth with an opportunity to fellowship on a monthly basis in order to build spiritual relationships and grow spiritually. This activity has an exciting and worthwhile event planned for each month. A few past events held during First Friday have been Game Nights, Movie Night, Guy Talk & Girl Talk discussion sessions, workshops with guest speakers, and our annual Youth Prayer Dinner held in December.

Youth Bible Study
Youth Ministry Prayer Team
Youth Council
Other Programs

Opportunities to Serve in the FMZBC Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry affords members of FMZBC’s congregation opportunities to serve in many ways. We currently have Youth Ministry Servants who serve in the ways listed below. If you are interested in serving our youth and being a positive influence in the lives of our youth, please contact the Youth Minister, at the church office at (703) 670-0184.

  • Youth Bible Study Room Monitor – Room monitors are responsible for monitoring the youth during the Youth Bible Study hour to ensure that youth abide by the rules while the teacher is teaching, as well as being accountable for the whereabouts of youth during the Bible Study hour. Youth Bible Study Room Monitors serve once or more a month.
  • First Friday Servants – Servants are responsible for fellowshipping with youth, as well as monitoring youth at planned events. Servants are also welcome to assist with planning for events held during this time.
  • Youth Prayer Team Member – Servants on this team are responsible for praying for specific requests and for the Youth Ministry on a regular basis.

Servants also serve on committees for special events. (Youth Explosion, Youth Prayer Dinner, etc.) and as a chaperones or drivers for offsite Youth Ministry events.

Resources & Parents

Distribution List

If you would like to receive weekly updates from the FMZBC Youth Ministry, please complete this form to be placed on the Youth Ministry Distribution list.

Youth Programs