Jubilation!, formerly known as the First Mount Zion Dance Team, is the teen/adult dance ministry. The group grew out of the 2001 Youth Conference, where a group of about 20 young people rendered two selections choreographed by Johnda Scott-Adams. Over the next year, after several ministry opportunities from both within First Mt. Zion and within the community-at-large, the group became the first dance ministry to form and fall under the umbrella of the FMZ Music Ministry.
The group is comprised of teens with a minimum age of 13 to adults (no max. age) and both male and female dancers are welcome. There is no required skill level. The only requirement is the willingness to serve the Lord through dance. The group has ministers with multiple dance styles from classic liturgical dance, lyrical movement, modern, modern, hip hop, and interpretive dance. The leadership is committed to not only the growth of the ministry by teaching but by learning as well. And to that end, we have consistently participated in workshops and seminars locally and out-of –state to expose ourselves to fellowship with other dance ministries, new techniques, and word-based dance ministry education. All members of the group are informed and encouraged to do the same.
Within First Mt. Zion, Jubilation! has participated in the annual Christmas Program since 2001, the Women and Men’s Conferences, Sunday worship service, and upon request by various auxiliaries and celebrations. In the community, as a group and upon requests for soloists we have participated at worship services/celebrations for numerous churches, dance workshops, The Taste of Heaven non-denominational celebration, the Prince William County Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., His Glory Revealed Dance education seminar, and more. In 2005, Jubilation!, along with the youth arm of the dance ministry, the Jewels of Praize, hosted our first ever Dance ministry Celebration.
As we approach our 10th Anniversary, we look forward to planning the next phase of celebration, worship, and ministry and giving much more of ourselves as we too commit to Ministry Beyond Walls. Jubilation! is under the direction of Johnda D. Scott-Adams. Email address: fmzdance@gmail.com.