BOD4GOD Small Group

BOD4GOD Small Group


Group focus: Support -Wellness & MaintenanceLocation: Online

When: Every Monday Meetings @ 7:00PM – Small Group Calendar will be distributed.


BOD4GOD is a faith based 12- week weight-loss Small Group. Members are provided with inspiration and information they need to lose weight. This Small Group offers participants an opportunity to lose weight in a fun and supportive environment. With BOD4GOD, you can change your life forever by committing your body to God’s Glory!


Tina CoatesTanya Harvin Stephanie Craddock


Leader: Deaconess Tina Coates –

Leader: Deaconess Tanya Harvin –

Co-leader/Advisor: Stephanie M. Craddock –


Register Here

Registration to vote for today’s  church meeting is now closed. Please watch the church meeting at,